10 tips for a perfect winter wardrobe according to Marie Kondo: you will love cleaning! – St. Martin’s week

Before winter arrives, it’s essential to organize your wardrobe to ensure optimal comfort and organization.

A good way to do this is to follow the method of Marie Kondo, the famous storage and organization expert. In this article, we will provide you with practical advice how to clean your wardrobe before winter like Marie Kondo.

Basics of the Marie Kondo method: joy and the essentials

Marie Kondo’s method is based on two basic principles:

  • Keep only things that bring you joy
  • Organize so that everything has its specific place

To apply these principles to your wardrobe, here are some steps to properly organize and prepare your space for winter:

Sort your clothes: time to get rid of the unnecessary

The first step to cleaning out your wardrobe is to sort your clothes. Take out all the clothes and put them in a pile. Then choose the ones that will stay in your winter wardrobe. To do this, ask yourself, “Does this piece of clothing bring me joy?” and “Is this outfit appropriate for the season?”. If the answer to both questions is yes, keep it in your winter wardrobe. Otherwise, set aside.

Once that selection is made, it’s time to do it get rid of clothes you no longer need. Depending on the condition, you can donate, sell or recycle them.

Storing summer clothes: it is important to put them out of sight

In order to make room for winter clothes, it is essential to store summer clothes from the closet. You can use boxes, wrappers or bags to store them away from light and moisture. Then place them in a place where they won’t get in the way, such as the attic or a dedicated closet.

Organize your dressing room: optimize space and visibility

Once you have sorted your winter and summer clothes, it’s time to optimally organize your wardrobe. To do this, follow these few tips:

  • Organize your clothes by category : pants, sweaters, shirts, etc.
  • Give each piece of clothing a specific place depending on its use and frequency of wear
  • Use storage accessories to optimize space, such as specific shelves, boxes or hangers
  • Organize your clothes using the Marie Kondo technique to save space and see them at a glance

Don’t hesitate to get the book “The Magic of Tidying Up” by Marie Kondo for a detailed explanation of her tidying methods.

Adapt your wardrobe to the needs of winter: a few tips to prepare well

Finally, don’t forgetadapt your wardrobe to the specifics of the winter season. Here are some tips to prepare:

  • Protect your fragile clothes by storing them in airtight covers or boxes
  • Provide suitable spaces for your winter coats and boots to prevent them from cluttering up the rest of your wardrobe
  • Make sure you have good lighting to easily find your clothes for shorter and darker days

By following these tips and applying Marie Kondo’s method, you’ll be ready to face winter with a well-organized closet tailored to your needs.

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