20 original and romantic ideas for marriage – Elle

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Advertising panels

They are everywhere in our environment, so why not make them romantic for once? At the exit of his subway station, in front of his work, next to his favorite restaurant, we squat there to put in our request. For an extra wow effect (and for Parisians), you can design February 14 on light panels.


You both share a passion for water sports, so take this opportunity to dive in. Once you don your wetsuit, head to the beach with your board under your arm and find your soulmate. And now, neither seen nor known, turn the tablet on which you wrote: Will you marry me? “. And it also works on the slopes…

Bohemian chic picnic on the beach

Imagine the sunset, candles, great food and a few meters away the heart you drew in the sand. As the sun reflects off the sea, you take it towards him, then get down on one knee on the ground and make your request. Guaranteed success.

Song with friends

Your group of friends is like a second family, their involvement in this application is obvious. So we use a birthday, a wedding or just an evening to put on a little show. We will twist the lyrics of his favorite song by slipping in allusions to your love and end in apotheosis with a proposal and an offer of a beautiful ring. Irresistible.

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With the help of children

Have you lived together for a long time? Do you have kids?
These cute toddlers will make ideal companions. You can write on the body: Do you want to marry my dad or my mom? When it’s time to switch it up, the surprise will be total and your significant other may just melt under so much softness.

An inscription at the bottom of his cup

Your future isn’t in the morning and you shouldn’t ask him anything until the coffee pot is empty. But today he risks stopping at his first cup. Just like sake bowls, where we often discover a young woman naked after taking the last sip, your significant other will be able to discover your request there. And for a bit of originality, you can draw a ring on the bottom of the cup. We hope the message gets through.

Advent Calendar

This request is certainly seasonal, but it remains no less romantic. Every day a small box to open, where sweet words and declarations of love replace the chocolate. The final bouquet will be your wish. With so much love spreading, she or he will only be able to say YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bookmark your book

Simple and effective. We have to put a little note in his book. It can be in the form of a heart, photos, drawings of your children, small dried flowers… It’s up to you to let your imagination run wild.

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Save message to Google homepage

Voice assistants are on the rise and your interior is no exception to this trend. Imagine your loved one’s face when after you say:

“Ok Google, give me a plan for my day” and after hearing the weather forecast, your marriage proposal will magically appear from this box. You will have to stand at his feet and wait for his answer.

Create a gif

Don’t panic, there are plenty of apps to help you if needed. You can opt for a simple version with animated text. For the most daring, we recommend adding a little spice. Take a picture in two, always a little behind. When it’s time to launch, you take out your little word sign. You will need photos in the statement and participation of a friend as much as words, it does not work in selfie mode!!!! Once all the pictures are collected, apart from bringing back good memories, you will be amazed.

Shoot a film

This is a more experienced version of the gif. Idea? Film yourself daily for a long time. Over a year it’s great. At home, on vacation, at work, on the street, in the supermarket… All it takes is a few seconds of sequences in which you confess your love. Edited video, your 365 declaration should hit home and leave your sweetheart speechless… But not for too long.

Create a blog

Your love story deserves to be revealed. To do this, create a blog with your most beautiful photos of your couple. Your travels, your laughs, your friends, the weddings you’ve attended… For a guaranteed effect, you can send him a link that assures him that it’s an article to share, or put it directly on the start of his browser. As you go through the middle of your life, she or he will have to quickly understand your purpose and succumb to this delicate plea.

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Sprinkle with a whole piece of red rose

What more beautiful symbol than a red rose to express your love. But for this application we keep them in full. More original and less tiring than sprinkling petals. Install vases throughout the living room or bedroom, decorate the room with candles and romantic music. Settle in the middle of this field of roses and wait for the return of your heart.

Writing with stationery

You’re cooking tonight, not just any pasta. Yes, but “alphabets”. You know the ones kids love. When it’s time to sit down, just place it on a plate with “Marry Me” written in pasta.

During a romantic weekend

“Officially” organize a relaxing weekend, but secretly prepare an unforgettable stay in a quiet and somewhat isolated place. A cozy room, a romantic restaurant… The perfect time to propose.

>> Read also: 10 ideas for a romantic weekend getaway!

The anniversary of your meeting

When you first saw each other, it was clear: you will spend your life together. So if you want to propose, repeat this moment of grace. On the same day as your first meeting, at the same place, at the same time… And even if the place is not the most beautiful in the world, the staging and tender attention should still make a difference.

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At the concert of your favorite singer

This requirement is certainly a big challenge, but it is worth the effort. Try to convince his favorite star’s team that you need to talk to him. Your request, unusual and so romantic, may touch the artist who decides to help you. At the right time, he will deliver the message in your place, on stage, in front of thousands of unbelieving fans who would dream of being in your place.

Helicopter trip

Get in a helicopter for a guaranteed wow effect. Move over the beach, fields, open space. You will need the help of your loved ones to successfully complete this delicate mission. When you fly over the place, they tilt the panels above their heads, allowing you to reveal your request and truly be in 7th heaven…

Banner on the back of the plane

You see these planes flying over tourist spots with advertising banners and you are about to do the same. Prepare a nice banner with your question, why not put their photo and name on it. Don’t forget to customize it to make sure your request goes to the right person…

Message in the department store

It might not seem super romantic at first, but the mismatch between your request, the location and the surprise can make for a shocking combo. Ask the cashier if you can borrow her microphone while your statement resonates through the store. Make an ultra-touching request and we bet your audacity will pay off.

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