6 questions about Supeco, a brand trying to establish itself in France

Freshly arrived in France, he proudly announced Crossroads at the beginning of the 2021 school year mark Supeco trying to convince in the discount market. Despite the declared ambitions and the desire for rapid “expansion” throughout the territory, it is clear that the numbers are far from meeting expectations.

Turnover, number of stores, profitability: feedback on 6 questions about Supeco.

Supeco, a brand that aims to be a “soft-discount”

Carrefour property, Supeco is positioned as a discount brand. The stated promise is to offer products at lower prices than in traditional supermarkets. Stores with an average size of 1,200 m2 offer more than 4,000 food products.

Supeco wants to propose an offer called soft discount, i.e. stores located just above Lidl or Aldi. “Like Lidl and Aldi, we offer”soft discount“: slightly more sophisticated shops while keeping the basics, low prices,” explained Éric Bouin, director of Supeco France, in 2021.

This Pricing policy enabled a “distribution model based on low operating costs”, confirmed the former head of the brand. Supeco these are also products in boxes or on pallets, without accompanying music and located on the outskirts of cities. So many options that allow the brand to save money and justify – at least on paper – low prices.

Another new leader

Supeco it’s also a game of musical chairs. From 2021, 4 directions took place. First Bruno Lebon, then Eric Bouin, then Boris Cuvillier and now David Aguiar, who was recently introduced last month.

David Aguiar replaces its predecessor less than 2 years after arrival. An internal source told us he “changed Supeco’s strategy and concept like a shirt change”, “decisions were only short-term as they tried to take care of ‘communications'”, we were told. .

300 stores planned and “only” 33 stores in France by 2023

Far from number 300 Supeco in France in 2022, Supeco currently has 33 stores. The brand’s desire to expand is currently slow.

Here is the complete list of Supeco stores in France:

  • Noyelles Godault
  • Martin Lez Tating
  • Valenciennes
  • Onnaing
  • Oustreau
  • Hazebrouck
  • Fouquieres Les Bethunes
  • Creil Saint Maximin
  • Arras
  • Ronchin
  • Roncq
  • Gap
  • Gardanne
  • Marseille Consolation
  • Marseille La Viste
  • Marseille Plombières
  • Puget Sur Argens
  • Creuset
  • Corbas
  • Rumilly
  • Never
  • Roanne
  • Chenevre
  • Audincourt
  • Bourgoin
  • Mont Saint Martin
  • Saint Avold
  • Buchelay
  • Green Saint Denis
  • Verdun
  • Reims
  • Cézanne
  • Louviers

Only three stores will exceed an annual turnover of 5 million in 2022

According to our information and provided in an investigation by Le Parisien, Supeco trying to take off in France. With a turnover of 105 million euros achieved in 2022 (compared to the target of 126), few stores will exceed 5 million in annual turnover.

Here are the turnover figures achieved by Supeco stores in 2022 (ranked from best to worst):

Trade Turnover in 2022 (in thousands of EUR)
1 Marseille Plombières 6201
2 Corbas 5560
3 Outreau 5295
4 Onnaing 4854
5 Marseille La Viste 4796
6 Valenciennes 4393
7 Rumilly 4307
8 Gardanne 4265
9 Noyelles 4074
10 Buchelay 3721
11 Marseille consolation 3716
12 Puget Sur Argens 3715
13 Saint Martin 3384
14 Reims 3181
15 Chen 3121
16 Louviers 3014
17 Arras 2998
18 Gap 2755
19 Le Creuset 2723
20 Fouquieres 2578
21 Verdun 2551
22 Hazebrouck 2412
23 Never 2366
24 Creil 2239
25 Bourgouin Jailleux 2189
26 Roncq 2179
27 Roanne 2156
28 Audincourt 2066
29 Ronchin 2034
30 Saint Avold 1833
31 Green Saint Denis 1775
32 Mont Saint Martin 1583
33 Sézanne 1178

Profitability is pending

If, on the flip side, expectations are far from met profitability also trying to keep up. “The losses are abysmal,” underlines a person close to the group, “a model Supeco it should be cheaper with a discount. But the observation is terrible,” he laments, “Carrefour sells so much to its franchisees that the stores are not so discounted. For example, shops are much more expensive than, say, Leclerc.”

What future does Supeco have?

Given the numbers and the situation, it is currently difficult to understand why Crossroads insists on the concept Supeco which is struggling to find its place and which is accumulating significant losses.

Rami Baitieh’s successor, Alexandre De Palmas, will undoubtedly have a decision to makethe future of Supeco in France. Possibility to pass all of them Supeco in Hmarket could be relaunched very quickly as planned in 2022.

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