How are property prices developing in Hauts-de-Seine (92)?

In December 2023, the average price per square meter in Hauts-de-Seine is €6,898, all property types combined. Department number 92 is the second most expensive in Île-de-France, behind Paris, where the price has fallen below €10,000/m².

For comparison, the average for Val-de-Marne is €5,250/m²Seine-Saint-Denis at €4,030/m², Val-d’Oise at €3,270/m² and Yvelines at €4,399/m².

The high average in Hauts-de-Seine is maintained by the presence of expensive municipalities. Among them we can mention Levallois-Perret and Boulogne-Billancourt, which with resp. 8,900 and 8,646 € / m²they are more expensive than the 19th and 20th arrondissements of Paris.

But above all there is Neuilly-sur-Seine, which stands out as the most expensive municipality in the entire region (€10,442/m²). Behind these three important cities we find a group of nine other municipalities where prices range from 8,000 to 8,000 EUR/m². From south to north, this is the case for Montrouge, Issy-les-Moulineaux, Saint-Cloud, Marnes-la-Coquette, Suresnes, Puteaux, Clichy and Asnières-sur-Seine. Four other communes are also very close to the €7,000 mark, namely Bois-Colombes, Courbevoie, Vanves and Malakoff.

After moving away from the Paris metropolitan area, prices drop, sometimes sharply, and converge at others neighboring departments. In the far south, near Essonne, Antony costs €5,406/m², while its neighbor, Châtenay-Malabry, costs €4,834/m², or half of Paris. It is in the north of the department that we find the two most affordable municipalities, namely Gennevilliers (4,721 EUR/m²) and, above all, Villeneuve-la-Garenne. The latter is the only one below the threshold of 4,000 EUR/m².

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