4 Signs Your Skin Care Routine Isn’t Right for Your Skin

Lotion, serum, cream… There is no secret to skin care, you must follow a complete care routine. But due to the breadth of the offer when it comes to cosmetics, it is possible to make a mistake and use products that are not really suitable for your skin. The result? Your skin goes into defense mode and some unpleasant symptoms appear. Here’s how to tell when it’s time to switch up your skincare routine.

Your skin is tight and itchy

If your skin is tight, it is not hydrated enough. Maybe the products you’re using aren’t providing enough hydration or keeping it hydrated throughout the day? In this case, replace the serum and/or moisturizer. Also, be careful not to mistake dry skin for dehydrated skin. They don’t have the same needs.

Likewise, if your skin is itchy, it’s because it hasn’t appreciated the products you’ve applied. The body is well made: it is a defense mechanism that tells you that you need to change the treatment.

Your skin is irritated and red

When the skin is irritated, it is a sign that the skin barrier is struggling to perform its functions. AND altered skin barrier it can be the result of applying products that are too abrasive or aggressive for your skin.

If you have sensitive and reactive skin, it is best to stay away from products containing strong active ingredients such as fruit acids, salicylic acid or even retinol. Be sure to seek the advice of a dermatologist to find out which treatments are best for this skin type.

If you have normal skin, it may be too much use of this type of product that has caused irritation. Slow down the pace. Maybe you could try the skin cycling technique to get into the right rhythm.

Small pimples appear on the skin

Another unmistakable sign? The appearance of unusual spots on the skin. They most often appear in the form of small granules, such as microcysts, under the skin, as a reaction to insufficient product. They can be placed on the forehead, cheeks or even the chin.

Change your routine and make sure for a few days apply regenerative care.

Your skin is peeling

If your skin flakes after applying your skincare, it’s probably because you’ve mixed active ingredients that aren’t compatible. As a result, the skin does not absorb the products properly and peels when applied.

Not all skin care ingredients mix. Be sure to pay attention to the list of assets that are or are not compatible.

Once again, we recommend that you consult a health professional to find the right solution. the best skin care routine for your skinespecially if you want to break away from simple hydration for something stronger.

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