Shooting star shower: how to observe it in the next few days

The Geminids are a swarm of shooting stars that occurs every year. According to our colleagues at France Info, this would be the most reliable shower of stars to observe. If we have already heard about the Perseids, observable in the summer, the Geminids are more sparkling.

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It will therefore be possible to admire this shower of shooting stars from December 7 to December 17. Experts also believe that one night in particular, that of December 13, will be more favorable for their appearance. According to their calculations, up to 80 shooting stars could pass through our sky per hour.

How to observe them?

Several elements will increase your chances of seeing the Geminids.

First, away from the big cities. It is best to avoid a strong light halo and keep the surroundings very dark. Then, if you have the opportunity to settle on high ground or near the sea, your chances increase tenfold.

The worst enemy of these shooting star showers, the clouds… IF you’re observing a sky with significant cloud cover, there’s little chance you’ll be able to contemplate the Geminids.

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