OpenAI: the math still resists ChatGPT and AI

OpenAI: the math still resists ChatGPT and AI

Sam Altman, the charismatic head of OpenAI, would have drawn the ire of the board on the basis that the manager had withheld from him that the ChatGPT algorithm would be able to do math. The rumor hasn’t been confirmed, but it’s an opportunity to remember that to this day, all AIs stumble over math. … Read more

Eco Week – Argentina: Javier Milei, the extreme choice for a country on the verge of bankruptcy

Eco Week - Argentina: Javier Milei, the extreme choice for a country on the verge of bankruptcy

Back home / Broadcasting / Eco week Published on: 24/11/2023 – 17:00 38:24 Eco week © France 24 While the country is experiencing a deep economic crisis, Argentines have elected Javier Milea as president. As an ultra-liberal economist, he promises to end what he calls “economic decadence”. Cuts in social assistance, market rights in all … Read more

6 meter high machine-built dry stone walls – Enerzine

Des murs en pierre sèche de 6 mètres de haut construits par une machine

In an impressive display of robotic engineering, researchers at ETH Zurich have developed an autonomous excavator capable of building dry stone walls from multi-ton blocks and demolition rubble. This achievement represents an important milestone in the field of automated construction. The ETH Zurich research team deployed an autonomous excavator, the so-called HEAP, to build a … Read more

How are supercomputers transforming the energy industry? – Energy

Comment la super-informatique transforme-t-elle l

Research and development is a costly affair for any business. For established companies, balancing R&D spending with profit margins can be a tricky task. This is where government funding for supercomputers comes in, playing a key role in the development of business in the United States. The role of advanced computer modeling Advanced computer modeling … Read more

Electromagnonics: the key to unlocking quantum computing? – Energy

Électromagnonique : la clé pour déverrouiller l

Researchers recently demonstrated a fast gate control method for an innovative information processing platform called electromagnetic. The discovery could lead to a new generation of devices for fast switching and low-power computing. Researchers have developed a fast and uniform modulation technique on magnetic material, the so-called iron yttrium garnet. This made it possible to control … Read more

Low-Cost Earthquake Monitoring Using Fiber Optic Networks – Enerzine

Surveiller les tremblements de terre à faible coût grâce aux réseaux de fibres optiques

Geophysicists from ETH Zurich have shown that every wave of a magnitude 3.9 earthquake is recorded in a fiber optic network noise suppression system. This method could enable low-cost earthquake and tsunami early warning systems to be implemented. Seismic monitoring in less developed countries While rich countries like Switzerland have a dense network of earthquake … Read more

How to track electricity and gas market prices in 2024? – Energy

Comment suivre les prix des marchés de l’électricité et du gaz en 2024 ?

In the context of a significant increase in energy prices from 2021, understanding and predicting market movements has become a major challenge for electricity and natural gas consuming companies. In addition to the war in Ukraine and geopolitical tensions, the ongoing energy transition is leading to increased price volatility. Let’s explore the mechanisms for setting … Read more

Self-made integrated circuits using silk – Enerzine

Des circuits intégrés qui s

What if basic, partially biological electronic components were able to respond directly to the environment and change like living tissue? The American team achieved this by creating transistors whose insulating material is replaced by biological silk. Silk, a material with amazing properties Silk fibroin, the structural protein of silk fibers, has the ability to be … Read more

A supercapacitor that stores four times more energy – Enerzine

Un supercondensateur qui stocke quatre fois plus d

In a major breakthrough in energy storage, scientists in the United States have designed a new record-setting carbon “supercapacitor” material capable of storing four times more energy than the best commercial material currently available. A supercapacitor made from this new material could store more energy, improve regenerative braking, power electronics and auxiliary power supplies. ” … Read more

“The Other Side of Words”: Exascale – Enerzine

« L’envers des mots » : Exascale

Denis Trystram, University of Grenoble Alpes (UGA) Exascale is the current culmination of a long process of computing development. A computer’s performance is measured in the number of “floating operations”, multiplications and/or additions it can perform per second, and more precisely on real numbers encoded in 64 bits. We record Flops/s for this unit. On … Read more