Exchange rates: these countries where it’s easy to become a millionaire

The Euro is the strongest currency in Europe.
It is ranked eighth globally.
In Asia and Indonesia, it’s easy to be a millionaire in the local currency with the exchange rate.

There are 160 different currencies in the world. Compared to the euro, they are more or less advantageous when traveling. Their value naturally fluctuates with the economic and social development of the country. During the 2008 crisis, for example, it was economically interesting for the French to travel to the United States. Nowadays, the dollar is almost equivalent to the euro. So, in which countries in the world can we be millionaires in the local currency thanks to the exchange rate?

Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos… You can easily become a millionaire in Asia

Asian currencies are among the weakest in the world. For example, in Vietnam it is possible to be a millionaire simply with 38.77 euros in your pocket. For this amount, you can have a relatively high standard restaurant for several people or rent high standard accommodation. In Cambodia, one million riel is equal to 229.84 euros, so becoming a millionaire is also easy thanks to the exchange rate. As for Laos, where payment is made in Lao kip, one million is 45.83 euros. On the ground, it equates to a night in a hotel in an establishment considered quite elegant. In Indonesia, you need a few more euros in your pocket to reach six zeros. For example, in Bali you will need to transfer 60.43 euros to earn one million rupees.

Iran, Colombia, Niger, Senegal, Togo… Other countries where a European can do business

The Euro is considered a high value currency. So there are a whole bunch of countries where the exchange rate will get you to a million in the local currency. In Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Niger, Senegal and Togo, African countries using the CFA franc, it is possible to reach one million with 1523.21 euros. In Iran, it will only take 22.47 euros in your pocket to get a huge wad of local notes out of an ATM. Finally, in Colombia, one million Colombian pesos is equal to 224 euros. On the spot, the average price of a three-star hotel is 39 euros. With this amount, it is therefore possible to treat yourself to a stay for several nights or book accommodation in a luxury establishment.

Marjorie RAYNAUD for TF1 INFO

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