How much to give for a wedding? The simulator responds to 2 clicks – Elle

Updated May 11, 2023 at 12:10 p.m.


A wedding is expensive for the bride and groom, who have spent months saving to finance the organization of this unforgettable evening. Guests can also participate financially. But how high?

How much should you budget for your wedding as a guest? Depending on budgets, the question of attending a wedding can be a source of questions and stress. Depending on whether the bride and groom are friends, acquaintances or family members, said envelope may not necessarily be the same amount. To help undecided guests, the specialized site has created an online simulator that will allow you to get the answer in a few clicks.

Also read >> Wedding organization: 3 biggest areas of conflict

Different criteria

50, 100 or 200 euros? What is the most appropriate amount to attend a wedding? The choice can be difficult depending on each guest’s situation and many criteria come into play. Single or in a couple, with children or without children, near a married couple or just an acquaintance, accommodation on site or in a hotel: these are all criteria that the simulator takes into account to provide an estimate of the budget to devote to hosts evening. Naturally, the latter has spent large sums to fund his union, so compensation is usually demanded from the guests.

Depending on the proximity of the married couple and other criteria such as travel, housing or marital status, the simulator offers different amounts. Pairs of very close friends will be invited to donate between 300 and 500 euros. Single friends without children, between 75 and 100 euros. The type of marriage, informal or not, also causes these parameters to vary.

If the envelope amount seems too high for the tightest of budgets, it is possible to save on other aspects of the stay, such as accommodation, transport or clothing. You can prefer second-hand clothes, stay with more people or prefer to rent in a hotel or even choose the train over the car.

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