How retailers use influencer marketing to increase their visibility (and even locally!)

Major retailers have reached a milestone in their digital communications. Mass distribution, like specialty foods, now offers services that are often considered an industry behind its time. content creators – from the biggest to the smallest – to expand their audience and reach new goals.

Because influence marketing isn’t really just about fashion, beauty, food or travel brands anymore. No, influencer marketing is now deployed in all industries that see the skills of creators as a way to modernize their communication and conquer a younger audience.

In this article we will return to content creation campaigns led by retail brands in Franceto know :

  • cooperation with new media;
  • collaboration with influencers and star creators;
  • local partnerships;


Please note that this campaign panorama applies to both national and local brands. Some examples may surprise you.


Definition of marketing influence : a marketing strategy that allows brands/companies to make themselves known to their target audience. This strategy aims to increase awareness of a brand or company, relying on an engaged community of an influencer or content creator. Influence marketing also allows you to benefit from the trust and sympathy of the creators to promote the product and company values.

Major retailers are using new media to increase their notoriety

In the galaxy of content creators and other influential people on the web, we find primarily new media. By the term new media, we must understand media that are only visible on social networks and that have built strong communities. Examples: Brut, Konbini, Marmiton, Loopsider.

Large retailers have understood the benefits of these new media by opening up new forms of collaboration. This materializes primarily through branded videos, i.e. very editorial videos, which nevertheless reveal an initiative, an action carried out by the brand.

A few examples.

-> Carrefour collaborates with Jean Imbert and Brut on the topic of cooking

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