McDonald’s has decided to change the recipe for its Big Mac: this is what the new burger will look like

THE Big Mac it will soon take on another form. The American giant McDonald’s has decided to undergo no less than fifty modifications. After 7 years of research, it was decided to adjust, for example, bread and sauces. This will make the bread thicker to retain heat and the sauce portions more generous. They will range from 9 to 14 grams per hamburger.

The salad, cheese and pickles have been reworked to be fresher and crispier, the bread is now a buttery brioche with sesame seeds scattered more randomly for a homemade look.“, explains The Wall Street Journal.

The food company explained the choice to modify its flagship product. “We want to integrate quality”, says Chris Young, director of menu strategy. A change that will be accompanied by an increase prices ? The brand assures that the price of the Big Mac will remain the same, although each franchisee will be able to set their own prices.

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