Murmuration: When dance turns into geometric poetry

Walls of dancers

In the face of phenomenal success, his company grew from friends to auditions. “At first I just wanted to have fun with my friends and develop my ideas at the same time. Over the years, things got more serious. ‘Wurmuration’ counts 46 dancers on the scene. I expected there to be around a hundred applicants, we tried 700. Everyone has their own background, their own sensibility, their own story. I wanted to give as many people as possible a chance to participate and show into a unified scheme. I discovered very strong profiles that I highlight through moments just for them.”

The company is called “Variable Geometry” and it reveals this desire to play with the lines of the body by creating geometric lines that move. As for the title of the show, it has several meanings. “Mainly the whisper, you don’t have to raise your voice to be heard. I also consider my choreographic paintings as walls of dancers. But above all I am a nature lover, I look very animal documentaries” declares this dreamer before clouds of birds dancing in waves in the sky.

He wants to explain his concept to the public: “And I invite him to incorporate the show into a joint choreography at the end.

Sadeck Berrabah and his dancers for his show “Murmuration”. © MR

It was also necessary to show the world stars who requested it that this dance concept requires extreme work, physical effort and concentration. “I’ve often heard ‘Oh, that’s great, only the hands move’! But when people spend a few hours with me, I can tell you they have a hard time. You have to be grounded and hold the same energies, all together. Like a Rubik’s Cube a cube in which each element determines the others.”

“Murmuration” will visit Palais 12 in 2024.

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