24 Haute Couture Brides to Inspire You – Elle

24 Haute Couture Brides to Inspire You - Elle

Undoubtedly the most anticipated look of the grand finale at any show is the dress dedicated to brides-to-be. And for good reason! Between embroidered flowers, sequins, feathers and transparency, this is an opportunity for designers to reinterpret the iconic white dress and transform it to give it a touch of freshness and modernity. With wedding … Read more

The future of communication and local communities (observations + trends)

The future of communication and local communities (observations + trends)

A visionary is someone who can imagine the future local communication. The digital landscape seems to be moving into a new era: Facebook it seems increasingly difficult to understand many accounts Instagram trying to rebuild their community, Tick ​​Tock shows both signs of running out of breath due to increased competition, Facebook ad it is … Read more

Interview: Patricia, the new real estate consultant in Bordeaux | Medicis New Real Estate

40 agencies in your area

Interview: Patricia, the new real estate consultant in Bordeaux | Medicis New Real Estate Find our new real estate programs in France On the purchase of your primary residence 40 nearby agenciesfrom your location 4366 new programs 19 yearspersonalized support 400 partnerspromoters Chat with us, running on LiveChat