Real estate – Purchase. Zero interest loan: here are the new eligible municipalities (part 2/2)

An overhaul of the system is planned for next year

In addition to the new focus on new construction, PTZ will undergo an overhaul in 2024. The range of resources, which has not been revised since 2016, will be “significantly” increased for “the first two most subsidized tranches, in order to benefit more households, from 7% to 30% according to areas and income groups,” according to the Ministry of Economy.

A fourth income tranche (between €37,000 and €49,000 per year) will be created for households not currently eligible for PTZ, with a quota of financeable operations limited to 20%, i.e. an average of €5,000 state support.

In addition, the maximum amount of PTZ it will pass of 80,000 to 100,000 EUR, and the maximum amount that can be financed by credit will also change: in zones B1 and A, PTZ will be able to finance up to 50% of the total operating costs, compared to the current 40%. This will amount to up to €10,000 in assistance per household.

“State support will reach 5,000 to 40,000 euros for the purchase of real estate, which will allow the average interest rate on the transaction to be reduced from 4.4% to 3%,” the ministry says. While it was supposed to end on December 31, 2023, the PTZ will be extended until 2027.

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