The Beatles: the release of a new and final song thanks to artificial intelligence

The Beatles: the release of a new and final song thanks to artificial intelligence

Published on: 2/11/2023 – 1:44 p.mEdited: 2/11/2023 – 3:37 p.m 02:04 The Beatles are releasing a new song this Thursday, November 2: recorded by John Lennon and mixed with the help of artificial intelligence, “Now and Then” reunites the legendary Liverpool group, 53 years after they split. Continue reading on the same topics:

A new Beatles song is revealed thanks to artificial intelligence

A new Beatles song is revealed thanks to artificial intelligence

John Lennon, George Harrison, Ringo Starr and Paul McCartney reunite for the last time: the original Beatles song “Now and Then” is released on Thursday. The recording was created using the ability of artificial intelligence. Published on: 2/11/2023 – 4:46 am 3 minutes The Beatles released a new song on Thursday, November 2: recorded by … Read more