The 5 biggest CRM myths and the real truth about them –

CRM systems are very popular, but there are many myths that prevent companies from realizing their benefits. Ready to demystify some of them? In this article, we’re going to play mythbuster and take a look at them. What are myths about CRM are they supposed to be stored in fairy tale alley and where is the truth? Follow us on this journey.

The 5 biggest CRM myths and the real truth about them

Customer relationship management (CRM) is a system for managing relationships with existing and future customers. Modern site CRM– they have thousands of options and tools. Simply put, it’s a solution that allows you to improve all aspects of your business, including planning, sales, marketing, analytics and customer support. In the end, yes CRM helps improve overall turnover. Not only can it be profitable, but it can even earn big money CRM to check the facts.

In more than 20 years of its existence and popularity, many myths have developed around CRM. CRM were created. In this article, we have analyzed some of the most frequently repeated ones. Make up your own mind, it could be important to the future success of your business.

Myth #1: We don’t need a CRM if we don’t have a sales team in the company

Whether you have the word “sales” in your job title or not, everyone in the company contributes in one way or another to one of the company’s main goals: building relationships with customers. From the accountant to the driver, everyone is part of a whole that aims to give the customer what they bought so that the business can have income and grow.

In other words, CRM is mistaken for a simple sales tool. It was designed to support sales, but it is also used in the internal organization to improve the work of all teams, whether marketing, customer service, logistics or any other team. The pandemic shows precisely that someone who knew their customers by name but did not have their contact information could and should have trouble informing them how and where products are now available.

Myth #2: We don’t need a CRM because we’re a small business

This statement can only be true if you want to remain a small business with few sales per month forever. But why should you do that? We understand that you want your work processes to be simple and that as a small business you only need an Excel spreadsheet or a notebook to record your sales information. But the biggest benefit of CRM is that it helps build relationships and trust with existing and future customers.

CRM helps you reach more potential customers (prospects), convert them into customers and earn more. In addition, CRM will help you

  • Sell ​​more goods and services with upselling and Cross selling
  • Track user comments and requests in one place
  • Find out the status of every customer request at any time and make offers accordingly
  • Adequate customer service
  • Know when contracts expire
  • Know when to make personalized offers
  • you know how to direct your marketing activities and what brings you the most money

In other words, CRM helps you stop being a small business.

CRM can also be integrated into your email marketing strategy. Using one of the many online services email marketing-allows you to easily create tailored and interesting messages. e-mails existing and potential customers. By collecting, organizing and analyzing customer data the software will help you CRM software find new potential customers and strengthen ties with existing potential customers in combination with the above direct marketing. Email marketing-.

This is achieved through collection, sorting and verification customer data customers. The goal of CRM email marketing is to build strong relationships with existing prospects and new customers by integrating CRM technologies into your email campaigns. email marketing campaigns are integrated. This ensures that you stay at the top of the charts in the minds of customers.

Myth #3: Our product is unique and we can’t use solutions that others use

It’s implicit in a way. Why have a business that is not unique? However, remember that no business is too unique to be helped by technology. Even better, CRM systems can make your business even more competitive than it already is.

But let’s not dwell on theories and rather focus on concrete details. Modern CRM systems can be perfectly adapted to your individual needs. How is it possible ? These are flexible platforms with tools that allow you to build and customize your applications and extensions and integrate them with your existing systems. Whether you export livestock or offer commercial space rental services makes absolutely no difference. CRM can be customized for you and your business.

Myth #4: CRM is a waste of money

We agree that caution is needed, especially in times of crisis. However, the question is how the sale is generally conducted. In many businesses, sales involves hiring many salespeople Engaged salespeople who are overwhelmed and who become exhausted after a short time due to stress. We are talking about other options: instead of constantly recruiting new people and expanding the team, the money is invested in existing sellers. If good salespeople have a CRM, they can show their full sales potential:

  • Reduce the number of repetitive and tedious administrative tasks so that salespeople can focus more on selling and connecting with customers.
  • increased employee satisfaction because work is easier and all important information is available with a few clicks on a computer or mobile phone
  • Itineraries with clients and prospects based on data and purchase probabilities. Route planning with RouteIQ.

CRM software for Kleinunternehmen KMU Digitalisierung Schweiz

Myth #5: Implementing a CRM is very difficult

Yes and no. On the one hand, the system must be properly implemented to suit your needs, the size of your business and the nature of your business. This part is handled by the software company that developed the system for you, your partner. This means that they solve all technical challenges together with you and what is important to you as a business. On the other hand, it is important for you as a company to realize that the introduction of CRM means a new way of thinking and acting and the transformation of the business from a product to a customer.

Companies often ask those implementing CRM solutions in-house if CRM tools are difficult to use. If you use a reliable provider, the dashboards are actually very intuitive and don’t take long to get used to.

In addition, CRM tools integrate with the applications you already use, so you don’t have to switch to completely new software and applications, you just connect them in one place in one system. You can learn how to properly implement CRM by looking at how it’s implemented in a service you already use to grow your business.

For example, if you are using an online platform such as WordPress or Wix, you should check how the CRM works when using this service. It enables you to collect leads, convert them, build lasting customer relationships and manage your workflows with a complete customer management solution. By integrating your CRM package into your website, you already have everything you need to grow your business.

Change is hard, but necessary

We know that business transformation is a big step that requires a lot of careful thought and investment. It’s always easier to maintain the status quo and say, “We’ve always done it this way and what’s wrong?” “, solve only occasional problems and not make big decisions. And then the pandemic hits and more than half of businesses face major losses. Or something else will happen and we would like to challenge the myths about CRM in time.

Implementing a CRM system is a decision that doesn’t happen overnight, especially considering what the world has been through in the last two years.

However, we are sure of two things:

  • Page digital transformation business is essential. So the question is not if you will achieve it, but only when it will happen.
  • Change is much easier when you have partners who know what they are doing.

If you’re still on the fence about introducing customer relationship management to your business, here’s what you need to know: the new generation of CRM systems go even further. With built-in automation and artificial intelligence (AI), they are able to automatically analyze, predict and perform routine tasks autonomously, freeing up additional time for other higher value-added activities for employees.

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