These items are the most stolen by the French in hotels

38% of French people have stolen beauty products or treatments from their hotel spa.
8% of them expect their move.
Compared to 2021, the French steal more items and choose the most expensive ones.

When staying in a hotel, many French people do not settle for a warm room with nice decorations, clean sheets and small soaps and shampoos. No, as shown by the results of a study conducted by OnePoll on behalf of in 2023 with a panel of 2,000 adult representatives of the French population, the French want to “earn” their night in a hotel. hotel! Discover without further delay the list of the most stolen items in the room, lobby or even the spa of the establishment.

The French are no longer limited to a product stolen from a hotel conducted the same study in 2021. It had already revealed this annoying habit of the French leaving with a souvenir for their hotel stay, but they tended to steal just one item. In 2023, the report reveals that 38% of them will leave with multiple beauty and treatment products from hotel spas, the most stolen items during their stay. Bedding comes second: sheets, blankets and pillowcases unzip to nestle in luggage. 15% of them save on a trip to Bouchara! 13% save time when shopping by leaving with toilet paper, while 2% of travelers take art objects such as paintings or sculptures from renowned artists with them. But how many of them act with deliberation?

Those in charge of tourist businesses can be sure: there are not many customers who plan to steal from them. However, 8% of them reserve a place in their suitcase to take away the things they saw when they arrived at the hotel.

Demonstrations of hotel anti-theft devices

During your stay at the hotel, it is not forbidden to leave with unusable items and accessories such as disposable slippers, pads, brochures and disposable toiletries (soap, shampoo, toothpaste…). However, it is important to note that it is not legal to leave with hotel linen! To protect against theft, some prestigious establishments choose to sew a chip into towels and bathrobes so that inventory can be counted. However, a device that can prove to be expensive compared to the number of products stolen. As for the minibar, the establishments carry out a pre-authorization of the bank, which is withdrawn only if a crime or damage is detected. Whether you leave with bedding, art, or any other item belonging to the hotel, the establishment is capable of taking legal action against you.

Marjorie RAYNAUD for TF1 INFO

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