TRAVEL – Italy: a weekend in Bologna, the city of history and good manners

TF1 invites you to Bologna for the weekend.
This beautiful Italian city is home to the oldest university in the Western world.
A destination that is a real treat for the eyes and the mouth.

Bologna is best enjoyed on foot, as we quickly discover in the TF1 report at the top of this article. Car traffic is limited in the center. And since the distances from one neighborhood to another are not too great, it is best to wear sneakers. Our guide is Fabio Celot, one of the 100,000 students in the city. Originally Italian, he is perfectly bilingual.

San Petronio, the beating heart of Bologna

An old lady in gray and white has been standing on the main square for 700 years. This is the Basilica of San Petronio, the central church of the city. The square is lively from morning to late evening. We will also discover the two most famous towers of Bologna, vertical but dating from the Middle Ages. They can be visited for five euros per entrance.

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Markets, catering companies, bars and restaurants… “Bologna grass” deserves its nickname. The tortellini there are legendary. Mortadella is another great specialty and a good idea for a quick lunch. Cut into thin slices, it’s better and more economical. And the legendary Bolognese sauce? Here we say “stew sauce”. Its recipe is unchanged and above all: it is only used with tagliatelle, never with spaghetti!

The rest of our coverage on the streets of Bologna in the video at the top of this article.

Editors of TF1info Report: Elisabeth Tran, Bertrand Lachat, Bernard Bedarida

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