What is natalophobia, this fear of Christmas and end of year holidays?

Towards a white Christmas everywhere in Belgium this year?

And this anxiety has a name, still relatively little known: natalophobia. This applies to people who have fear Christmas and end of year celebrations. This is a real problem anxious, which affects some people every year who dread the holidays. The closer it gets to Christmas, the more it feels depressed and anxious.

These people can be overwhelmed with feelings of restlessness, stress, anxiety, and irritability just thinking about family dinner who is waiting for them at Christmas For some, just looking at a Christmas tree can trigger an episode of stress.

Why do some people fear Christmas?

But where does it come from? phobia from Christmas? In fact, this fear is not irrational. People who suffer from it are not really afraid Christmas Eve, but rather of all the things that surround her. In most cases, the fact that people hatred Christmas is even justified.

Because Christmas is a celebration familythe people who fear this moment are often those who do not maintain good relations with them relatives. Christmas conveys an image of happy and “perfect” families. However, many families are not doing well and are not happy to be together again Whether it’s because of constant questions about your private life, nasty comments or even an old grudge, family meals can quickly turn into a nightmare and cause stress.

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There are also people who are very alone, and whose loneliness intensifies during this period. Because everyone spends time with family, it reminds them that they can’t do it. This can therefore lead them to fear or even hate Christmas and the end of the year holidays.

In addition to these problems, seasonal depression and lack of light can also increase natalophobia. To this must be added the financial effects gifts, which can make this period anxious for many people. In addition, people suffering from eating disorders also find it more difficult to manage time.

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